Saturday, February 21, 2015

Journal: 1.5 Feet planted tank re-scape (with ADA amazonia + Shirui)

My biggest motivation of re-scape coming from an inspiration by a nice planted tank I saw personally when I bought a used LED light from a aquascaper. Beside, my first 1.5 feet planted tank has been run for 1.5 years. Recently, the aqua scape shown it age when the plant starting to melt down and the fire red shrimps no longer that productive. My suspect is the soil has lost it's nutrient and buffering capability. I am taking the rescape opportunity to get rid of the mini ramhorn snails, thanks to the plants I got from local LFS.

Tank before re-work

Tank after re-work

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Tear down and Sanitize
I took out all the hardscape (rock & driftwood) and scope all the soil out. To get rid of the snail, the soil will not be reuse and the reuse equipment needed to be sanitize. I used 2 way of sanitization
a) Boil - Mainly used on the hardscape
b) Chemical treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide - Use on Hang on back filter and tank

The base setup is planned to be "airy". The main purpose is to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria and also encourage the root to absorb necessary gases. So, my selection for the base is ADA Shirui sand + Bio ring. ADA Shirui itself has no effect on water parameter. If the budget is there, you can use ADA power sand but it's pricier though.

ADA Amazonia soil is used to layer on top of ADA Shirui sand and Bio Ring.

Only rock is used as hard scape.


Aquarium:Dophin (50cm x 34cm x 34cm)
Volume:55 L
Light:Up-Aqua PRO LED light z-series (18W)
Gravel:ADA Amazonia soil
Filter:Dophin Hang on Back filter  (500L/h)
CO2:1 bubbles per 2 second
Fertiliser (weekly):N/A
Maintenance (hours per week):½-1


Plants Used
A) Fissidens fontanus
B) Staurogyne repens
C) Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo'
D) Bucephalandra

Tank Journal 
1st day (12/02/15)

3rd day (14/02/15)

Week 1 (17/02/15)

Week  2 (25/02/15)

Week 3 (4/3/15)
- 1 dose of Seachem fluorish


  1. Wow...water is getting clearer n looks great! Am anticipating for more plants to be added to make it lively n more dynamic! Nyea~

  2. Thanks. The plants will continue to growth to carpeted the tank. Journal will be constantly updated with the week to week plants growth. Nyea
